NOMTOC to Roll February 14
There is only one parade that still rolls exclusively on the West Bank of New Orleans (Algiers), and that is NOMTOC (New Orleans Most Talked-Of Club). The parade will begin at 10:45am the corer of Fiesta and Holiday in Walnut Bend, Saturday, February 14. From there the parade will turn onto Gen. Meyer Avenue/Newton Street to Teche and back around to Newton where it disbands at the NOMTOC headquarters.
The parade is presented by Jugs Social Club, which is a benevolent association founded in 1951, that has provided scholarships to youths and other benefits to the community.
This year’s 45th anniversary parade will depict the theme “A Tribute to Algiers: Places Remembered”, and Sherman L. Weary Sr. will reign as king with Kourtney Ann Williams as queen. There will be 21 floats, including some mini-floats, double-deckers and super floats, 12 bands, eight horse groups and eight dance teams.
Information and pictures courtesy of Algiers Main Street Corporation. Old Algiers Main Street Corporation, founded in 1996, is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to the revitalization of the historically commercial corridors of Old Algiers.
Details at