
Due to Hurricane Francine
Tuesday, September 10, 2024     5:30 pm – 6:45 pm

Algiers Regional Library, 3014 Holiday Drive

Welcome to the Walnut Bend Civic Association. Walnut Bend is a contemporary, single family residential subdivision of almost 800 homes on the West Bank of the Mississippi River in New Orleans. We are approximately 10-15 minutes away from the Central Business District.

The purpose of the Association is to preserve our subdivision as a high quality residential  neighborhood, while promoting civic participation and social improvement of the residents of Walnut Bend. We encourage all residents to become active in your neighborhood association. It is only through your participation and active involvement that we can better our neighborhood and the Algiers community. Some of our associations activities include:

  • publishing a bi- monthly community newsletter
  • bi- monthly open community meetings to address the needs of our
    residents and businesses
  • maintenance of the Walnut Bend neighborhood signs on each end
    Holiday Drive, our main thoroughfare
  • our annual Night Out Against Crime community celebration
  • our Board of Directors working diligently to make sure our
    community voice is represented at major meetings, such as at the City
    Council and LRA Recovery sessions
  • an annual Easter Egg Hunt for neighborhood children
  • volunteers working on Membership, Beautification, Public
    Information and Affairs, the Cardinal Newsletter,, Newsletter Ads and
    Distribution,  and the Website!

If your membership with the Walnut Bend Civic Association has expired, we hope that you  will renew today! If you are not a recent member, we extend to you a welcome and invitation to join the WBCA as a new member. You can join or renew by completing the Membership Form. Non-residents are also invited to join as Friends of Walnut Bend.

Walnut Bend is a great place to live. Volunteerism fosters relationships with schools, churches, businesses, charities and government. Come to the quarterly meetings. Both you and the Walnut Bend Civic Association will benefit from your participation.