NEW ORLEANS – Today, Council President Helena Moreno, Vice-President J.P. Morrell, and Councilmembers Lesli Harris and Joe Giarrusso announced the release of a compilation of action items to address surging violent crime in our communities. These Councilmembers will continue to receive feedback from the public and collaborate with the full Council on solutions, noting that public safety is the Council’s top priority.
The plan addresses steps that the Council and various stakeholders can take immediately to prevent and disrupt violence and hold those who commit violence accountable. It proposes systemic changes as well as building new resources such as a consolidated public crime data hub; enhanced cooperation between law enforcement agencies; performance reviews of various violence prevention programs; reforms to judicial proceedings and data sharing; coordination of services and support for at-risk youth; synchronized victim communication and services; and holistic rethinking of NOPD deployment, recruiting, retention and execution strategies.
The Council now invites public comment on the plan and asks stakeholders for their suggestions and feedback
The full Council will continue its work to highlight challenges, engage stakeholders, and take action to help build a safer, more just, and more peaceful New Orleans.