We hope that everyone in Walnut Bend is safe, whether you are still in your home or if you evacuated.
See the information below from 1pm Zoom call with Councilmember Palmer. Future updates will be posted here and/or at the Algiers Neighborhood Presidents Council site at http://www.anpcnola.org/ or https://sites.google.com/site/anpcnola/home.
Please send emails for Walnut Ben to yvonnemg@aol.com.
CM Palmer talked with Entergy at 11am and will again at 2:30pm. Entergy is assessing what it will take to get the 8 transmission lines back up as well as the distribution stations (I think that’s right). We should know more by tomorrow.
– Power restoration first priorities are hospitals, central services, grocery stores, etc. Hope to have a timeline soon.
In Algiers, S&WB pump 11 is up and pump 13 is down.
– There is still some flooding on MacArthur, DeGaulle, in Park Timbers and Tall Timbers. Water should not get any higher. After they get the generators up, it may take 1 – 2 hours to start to see changes in water level.
– The communications are down there, but S&WB will send an official update as soon as possible.
No rain is predicted for now, and when it does rain later in the week, it should be no more than 1 – 2 inches.
If you’re away, stay where you are. If you are there, stay in or check catch basins for blockage. NOPD and the National Guard are doing drive arounds.
– I-10 W is either closed or experiencing problems, so it’s not recommended that you use that now.
Charging Stations – Each Firehouse has generators and you can go there for charging. Right now there is flooding near the Firehouse on Gen. DeGaulle, so the ones on Woodland and on Gen. Meyer might be better bets for now.
– It is also requested that neighbors let us know if you can serve as a neighborhood charging station. Kelsey Foster with AEDF has also created a link https://forms.gle/hoZybKpcSD7poWD7A, to collect that information. She will post the results on AEDF social media and I’ll post on Nextdoor and the Algiers Neighborhood Presidents Council website.
– You can see the results mapped out at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?mid=1MXqXfrnFJ8wb0lE8iNfGv16YuxbKt3s_&usp=sharing
Food and water distribution in conjunction with Second Harvest may be available Monday or Tuesday.
Oxygen exchange is available at the Gen. DeGaulle Firehouse, but may be moved due to the flooding.
CM Palmer’s work phone and personal cell are out, however Mary Ochletree and Zack Monroe in her office are able to receive emails. You can try 504-410-4422 (texts may be delayed) and Mary 504-295-6912.
Trash pickup will probably not take place this week because there is no power at the landfills.
Some blue tarps may be available later this week at the Arthur Monday Center. They don’t know about FEMA yet.
For more information:
– https://ready.nola.gov/
– Text NOLAREADY to 77295 for updates
– Go to http://www.anpcnola.org/ or https://sites.google.com/site/anpcnola/home .(ANPC will try to update several times daily.)
– CM Palmer’s social media sites: https://twitter.com/kgislesonpalmer , https://www.facebook.com/kristin.gislesonpalmer/