Dear Neighbors,
As you know, the lights went out for about half of Walnut Bend at 7:00pm, about 90 minutes after they came on this evening. I immediately contacted Councilmember Palmer who said she would forward the information along. I also called and texted Entergy, as many of you did.
In addition, I sent a detailed email to CM Palmer and staff and Entergy officials asking of the lights would be back on tonight. I have not gotten a response yet. The email was also forwarded to Council Members Clarkson, Head and Hedge-Morrell (chair of the Utilities Committee). I’m also trying to check into individual concerns that some have asked about.
Please let me know if/when your power comes on again. Walnut Bend was mentioned more than any other neighborhood at today’s City Council meeting and we were assured by Entergy that our lights would be back on today. Having them go out again so quickly just compounds our frustrations.
If anyone has other contacts who may be able to help, let me know. We’ll keep trying to find out what’s going on.
Thanks, Yvonne
Yvonne Mitchell-Grubb, President
Walnut Bend Civic Association